A few months ago, I wrote an article about the general logistics off importing a motorhome from Europe and focused mainly on the overseas and shipping aspect, only scratching the surface off what happens in New Zealand. This time, I would like to focus on the process prior to the vehicle handover starting at the shipping wharf in Auckland and finishing with the collection day. Many customers assume it’s a simple and quick process and expect the vehicle to be ready within a week or two after they noticed the boat arriving in Auckland. Unfortunately, that is an incorrect assumption and can create disappointment. Enjoy the read and as always please feel free to get back to me if you have any questions related to the article. Most people would know by now that shipping and stock supply has been a major issue during the last couple of years and many industries have been impacted. There seems to be an understanding that timelines can change and unforeseen circumstances impacting the arrival of your motorhome have become a common occurrence. However, assuming we managed to find a solution for all challenges pre arrival in NZ, we then must work through the national process here. Step 1 - Vehicle Arrival (est. 1-3 Business Days): The vehicle carrier arrives in Auckland Harbour and starts unloading. Vehicle carriers are massive ships and the largest can carry up to 8500 vehicles. We usually have est. 5-10 pre-sold vehicles arriving on the same ship. Step 2 - Logistics Part 1 (est. 1-2 Business Days): All motorhomes have been unloaded and we have been notified that they are currently at the wharf. We then arrange for the trucking company to pick up the vehicles as soon as possible. The trucking company picks the vehicles up within 2 business days and transports them to a depot in the central north island. Step 3 - Logistics Part 2 (1-3 weeks): As trucking companies are struggling to meet the demand and to manage the increased workload, vehicles can be stored at the depot for 1-3 weeks prior to being delivered to the ferry in Wellington. Under usual circumstances this will not be the case however recent ferry issues and bookings have become a major challenge as well as trucking companies shifting vehicles for multiple RV and automotive dealers across the country at the same time as stock arrives on the same ship. Step 4 - Logistics Part 3 (1 Business Day): The trucking company transports the vehicles from the central north island to the ferry terminal in Wellington. Step 5 - Ferry Crossing (1 Business Day): Vehicles get loaded onto the ferry and cross the straight to Picton. Step 6 - Vehicle Pick Up (1 Business Day): Deluxe RV Group Staff pick the vehicle up and drive it to our yard on 45 Main Street, Blenheim. Step 7 - Reception Protocol (1 Business Day): With so many variables prior to the vehicle arriving in Blenheim, it's virtually impossible to plan for an immediate start of the "Vehicle Arrival Process" however the workshop tries to plan ahead and get started as soon as possible. Fortunately our workshop only works on our customers vehicles and does not offer any outwork. This allows us to start the process in a timely manner. The first step of the "Vehicle Arrival Process" is our Reception Protocol. The technicians check the vehicles general condition as well as making sure the vehicle has been manufactured and delivered as per the order. As soon as all of the boxes are ticked off, we can move on to the next step. Step 8 - Compliance (2 Business Days - 2 Weeks): We contact VTNZ and book the vehicle in for compliance. Unfortunately, this process can take up to 2 weeks dependent on the local VTNZ and How quick they can complete the process. Often staffing and a high workload contributes to delays during compliance. Step 9 - Certification (1-2 Business Days): When the vehicle returns from VTNZ we can arrange for an external gas fitter, electrician, and engineer (if necessary) to view and inspect the vehicle and issue the appropriate certificates (Gas Certificate, Electrical Certificate, Certified Tow Bar etc.) Step 10 - Installation (3-4 Business Days): Our technicians start the installation process of items chosen by the customer. Time allocated for each individual job varies depending on which options the customer chooses.
Step 11 - Component Check (1 Business Day): We thoroughly check all components in the motorhome and ensure they are in working order. Step 12 - Clean/Groom (1-2 Business Days): Scott and Pete will work on the final touches and clean the outside as well as groom the inside of the vehicle. We pride our self in the presentation of our motorhomes and caravans and do not want to rush this process. Step 13 - Vehicle Handover (1/2 - 1 Business Day): Finally!!! The vehicle is ready for collection and our customers arrive to collect the vehicle. Comments are closed.
AuthorDeluxe RV Group Archives
January 2025